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The Wind Turbine Market, Is Room For Wind Turbine Dealer?

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:56 am
by admin
The Wind Turbine Market, Is Room For Another Wind Turbine Dealer?

>> I am newly out of work from a salesman in the concrete pumping industry and
>> thinking of a new direction how do I start this and if I did I would like
>> to service WA, ID, Oregon. How many other venders in this market now if
>> there is is there room for another?

Hello Rick, Yes, this is a booming business with very few competitors in that part of the country. Best thing about this product is that there's really no competitive product that stacks up against it. For starters it's a RoofMill™ and is a patented solution that others have no answer to. The rooftop is the best and only solution for most homeowners. Most cannot erect a tower if they wanted to. All other methods of mounting to a roof were documented failures before this invention.


Talk to anyone in those three states and show them this product and you will have a hard time finding anyone that knows of such a product or competitor. We have a few installed but not many dealers. But a territory can only be a few counties. You will be able to build a business in an area that size and we have your area still open at this time.

There is another party interested but until they secure that territory with a purchase of a demo unit, it is open. I help dealers start a business in this product every day, all over the US and in many foreign countries.

Step 1: See The Dealer Videos. ... -dealer-1/

Step 2: Purchase a Demo Unit. ... t=1&shop=1

Step 3: Begin Installing and Training With Your Demo Unit

Step 4: When Installed and Running, You are Ready to Sign a Dealer Agreement and Sell Home Wind Turbines and Solar Electric Systems.

If you sell a system before your training and installing period is complete, I will help you support it and commission that sale to you even though you don't have the dealer agreement. Many customers have sold systems before their agreement was in place, but they had already made a purchase and began training and installing their demo unit.
